Tuesday, 20 May 2008

People Watching

One of my favourite on the job things to do (that is most certainly not work!) is people watching.  I have seen people on first dates, business meetings, writing books, reading the bible and the ever important 'dumping' date. As the provider of the ever essential caffeine, one becomes almost a confidant and with several meetings pictures build of of that person's life. There are some people that I will see several times in a day, these people I will see often more times than people I actually know. 

Today my most interesting people watching experience was of a regular customer, I know where he works and who his friends are, he is the typical salesman know-it-all with attitude. We have had a rocky customer-barista relationship, he was particularly unhappy with me one time I couldn't remember if he had handed me a £5 note or a £10! Well today he came in with a lady friend and smiled happily as he handed over his panini. It is of no importance that the lady friend in question resembled a horse. Anyway, he did not commence his usual routine of requesting his drink by leaning towards me intimidatingly and whispering his order as though we were sharing a great secret. I think that love may be in the air for this coffee loving salesman...